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Klee is a Pyro catalyst that excels in dealing damage while applying Pyro constantly. Her kit revolves around her normal and charged attacks and pairing her with a Hydro and Cryo user can double her damage potential. More than that, the artifact set, along with her weapon, can amplify reactions to push her damage to another level.
However, Klee is limited due to her short range and stamina consumption. Thus, it is important to understand how to build her to work around those limitations. Here you can learn how to optimize her build to reach her peak performance!
Normal Attack: Kaboom!
Klee throws to explosive bombs that deal Pyro AOE damage. Holding this skill consumes stamina and deals extra Pyro AOE damage. This skill is the bread and butter of Klee’s kit, and its most important one. Her damage revolves mainly around her normal and charged attacks. Thus, it takes the highest priority in leveling up.
Elemental Skill: Jumpy Dumpty
Klee throws “Jumpy Dumpty”, which bounces up to three times and deals Pyro AOE damage with each bounce. After the third bounce, it leaves mines on the floor that damage enemies that walk on them. Note that those traps can be gathered with Anemo users, such as Kazuha and Jean. The sole exception to that is Venti. This skill is the least source of damage for Klee, so it takes the least priority in leveling up.
Elemental Burst: Sparks ‘n’ Splash
Klee summons Sparks ‘n’ Splash which continuously attacks enemies for 10 seconds and deals Pyro AOE damage. This skill expires if Klee leaves the field.
Passive: Pounding Surprise
When Klee’s normal attacks or Jumpy Dumpty deal damage, Klee has a 50% chance to obtain Explosive Spark status. When Klee uses her next charged attack, it consumes that status and deals 50% extra damage while consuming no stamina.
2nd Passive: Sparkling Burst
Klee’s charged attacks that crit will generate 2 elemental energy to all party members.
Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds

Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds is currently the best weapon for Klee since it gives her crit rate along with the second highest base attack for a catalyst weapon. Besides the extra damage from critting, it can help trigger her second passive, which generates elemental energy to all members. Not only that, every 4 seconds in battle, it grants her an 8-16% elemental damage bonus (up to four times).
Dodoco Tales

Dodoco Tales was given for free in version 1.6 at the fifth refinement. It is designed specifically for Klee since it grants her 55.1% attack and 16-32% charged attack damage for 6 seconds after normal attacks. Moreover, charged attacks increase Klee’s attack by 8-16% for 6 seconds, making this weapon a huge attack boost for Klee.
The Widsith

Widsith is a great weapon for most catalysts and rivals five-star weapons in terms of damage at its fifth refinement. The 55.1% crit damage along with the attack, elemental damage or elemental mastery buff can significantly increase Klee’s damage. However, the buff only runs for 10 seconds every 30 seconds, which reduces the damage consistency.
In terms of artifacts, Klee is fairly restrictive when it comes to her build, with only two sets that fit her. There are two sets that work on her, Crimson Witch of Flames and Wanderer’s Troupe. 4-piece Crimson Witch of Flames can only work on Klee if she is in a team that utilizes reactions. The 15% Pyro damage bonus along with the 15% Vaporize and Melt damage bonus are great for boosting the damage. Not only that, using Elemental Skills can boost the 2-piece set bonus by 50% for 10 seconds, which can stack up to 3 times.
If Klee is not running a reaction team, she can be either run with two pieces of Crimson Witch of Flames and two pieces of Gladiator’s Finale. Another option is using Wanderer’s Troupe even in reaction teams. The 35% charged attack damage bonus can be very useful, especially since her main source of damage is her charged attacks. As for substats, having as much attack as possible is beneficial. Moreover, crit rate and crit damage are very essential for both damage and triggering her passive. Finally, elemental mastery is nice if she is used in a reaction team.
Build: Crimson Witch of Flames
Flower | Plume | Sands | Goblet | Circlet | Substats |
1. HP | 1. ATK | 1. ATK % | 1. Pyro DMG Bonus | 1. Crit Rate/DMG % | 1. Crit Rate % 2. Crit DMG % 3. ATK % 4. Elemental Mastery |
Also Read: Best Settings For Genshin Impact: Get The Highest Performance And Graphics.
Build: Wanderer’s Troupe
Flower | Plume | Sands | Goblet | Circlet | Substats |
1. HP | 1. ATK | 1. ATK % | 1. Pyro DMG Bonus | 1. Crit Rate/DMG % | 1. Crit Rate % 2. Crit DMG % 3. ATK % 4. Elemental Mastery |
Team Comps
As a Pyro catalyst, Klee can apply Pyro with her normal and charged attacks, along with her Elemental Skill and Burst. She can utilize that by running in reaction teams, where she will utilize Crimson Witch of Flames’s set bonus to deal maximum damage. Typically she would be paired with a Hydro or Cryo appliers who will help her create a Vaporize or Melt reactions respectively. However, Klee’s range is fairly short, so she requires a shielder with interruption resistance. The fourth slot can go to either a swirl user for the element application or an attack buffer.

Yelan and Xingqiu are one of the best supports for Klee. Klee uses her normal attack constantly in her rotation, making their Hydro application more frequent and Vaporize reactions more consistent. Xingqui is the better option since he provides the utility that Klee requires due to her short range, and it frees the shielder spot for a sub-DPS or a buffer.
Also Read: Best Yelan Build: Weapons, Artifacts & Team Comps

Diona is the best choice for a Melt comp for Klee because she applies Cryo while shielding through her Elemental Skill and healing through her Elemental Burst. While she covers both element applier and shielder spots, she requires a swirl user to compensate for her limited Cryo application. Using her with weapons such as Elegy can be a great pair for boosting Klee’s damage as well.

Klee is a fast Pyro applier, meaning that without another fast element applier, there will be many missed opportunities for reactions, which is a missed damage potential. Thus, swirl users are a great pair to apply a second element consecutively to match Klee’s speed. Not only that, their elemental mastery can give an extra push to those reactions. Kazuha outdoes Sucrose in terms of gathering, which is important to pull all of Klee’s mines to enemies
Also Read: Best Kazuha Build: Weapons, Artifacts & Team Comps

Ayaka can be a second damage dealer when she runs with Klee, where Klee uses Ayaka’s Burst for reactions, while Ayaka uses Klee’s Elemental Skill. While this has a high damage potential, it sacrifices the utility and requires the other slots to compensate for that.
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Bennett is one of the best options for the fourth slot due to his offensive buff from his Elemental Burst. The extra attack along with heals can keep Klee healthy while boosting her damage potential. Not only that, C6 Bennett benefits Klee due to the Pyro damage bonus it offers.
Also Read: Best Bennett Build: Weapons, Artifacts & Team Comps

In terms of bursting enemies and shorter fights, Mona is a wonderful support due to Elemental Burst. The Hydro application along with the increased damage to enemies can be extremely useful in shorter fights where the aim is to one-shot the enemy. Not only that, the taunt can be great to group melee enemies towards it while applying Hydro to them.
Chained Reactions | Attacks, Elemental Skill and Burst have a chance to bombard opponents that deals 120% of Klee’s Elemental Burst’s damage |
Explosive Frags | Enemies hit by Jumpy Dumpty’s mines lose 23% of their defense for 10 seconds |
Exquisite Compound | Increases the level of the Elemental Skill by 3 and the maximum level to 15 |
Sparkly Explosion | If Klee leaves before her Elemental Burst expires, she triggers an explosion that deals 555% of her attack as a Pyro AOE damage |
Nova Burst | Increases the level of the Elemental Burst by 3 and the maximum level to 15 |
Blazing Delight | While Klee’s Elemental Burst is active, all party members except Klee regenerate 3 energy every 3 seconds. Also, when Klee activates her Elemental Burst, party members gain a 10% Pyro damage bonus for 25 seconds |
In terms of constellations, Klee can do perfectly fine without any constellation. This makes her a low investment character to reach her peak potential without spending a lot of primogems on her. In fact, some might argue that her constellations are not even worth it. However, her second constellation can be a good damage boost due to the defense reduction.
Another constellation worth mentioning is the sixth constellation. It is very beneficial if Klee is used as a support. If she is switched in, activates her Burst, and switches out, she will deal a lot of damage due to her fourth constellation. Meanwhile, regenerate energy to allies and boost their Pyro damage for 25 seconds, which is a very long time for a buff.
Klee is a strong Pyro DPS who can deal tons of damage while regenerating energy to other teammates. While she has a short range and stamina issues, with the correct build, this can be alleviated through the correct rotation and team comp.
Overall, Klee is a strong damage dealer who is both strong and simple to build. Her simple kit make her friendly to new players while being a good character for higher-level players. Not only that, her lack of need for a higher constellation along with the fact that an event weapon is one of the best for her makes her a low investment character with a high yield.
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