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The picks for the Top 8 Best Valorant Agents for Icebox or any map, for that matter, are what guides a team to take the game, whether it is a comp team or a regular unrated. Valorant provides a variety of 18 agents to choose from, but not every agent is viable for every map, and selecting the right combo is the key to perfect gameplay. While the icy tundra of Valorant’s Icebox is undoubtedly cold, the top 5 ideal agent comp can safeguard that your team remains hot.
The icy map used by the tac shooter brought a lot of everything to Valorant, including verticality, ziplines, and plenty of choke points. Now that players have an activity to participate on Icebox, the process of determining the correct agent lineup is a lot more clear-cut, using a variety of agents and pro team lineups from Masters One.
Top 8 Best Valorant Agents for Icebox:
Icebox, the snowy map in Valorant, debuted with Act III on Oct. 13th. Tight choke points, verticality, and intricate angles are all hallmarks of the recent addition, making some agents more optimal than others.
While there are many viable agents, duo or trio, this article focuses on the top 8 agents based on their master’s one pick rate and proposes future collaborations. A whole team for a 5v5 tactical shooter game like Valorant must incorporate a mix of the controller, sentinels, duelists, and any necessary elements such as flash or angle clearance, depending on the map layout.
Omen is also one of the Best Valorant Agents for Icebox. Omen is undoubtedly the best controller for the position, with a 100-percent pick speed on every map throughout NA Masters One. He stands out from other agents in his class due to his global smokes, AoE blind, and mobility. Omen is now expected to be a staple on any map, and Icebox is no exception. Standing able to teleport on top of such multiple designs forms tons of flexibility on a map with significant verticality (A ramp, Tube, B Yellow, etc.). The shrouded agent can avoid standard crosshair placement and utilize it to cut off enemies before reacting.

When a team cannot get onto a site, it is common to move to another place to take opposing teams off guard. Because major chokepoints can often create a standstill, Icebox is even more rampant. Omen can scout ahead, cut off enemies from the flank, or implant the Spike on the other side with his ultimate. And being capable of smoking from anywhere on the map can guide challengers to be confused and deliver the squad with much-needed cover.
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It provides feelings like most mobile agents can see immediate success on a map with plenty of tough-to-reach spots. Jett is a must-pick because of her ability to sprint in all directions.

When attacking mid, Jett players can quickly Tailwind as soon as the round begins and position themselves on top of Tube. The possibilities are infinite from there. You can peek over the defender’s mid ramp and tap any heads that pop up, or you can have a look toward the B site for any enemies out of position or fall back.
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A tall ramp you can scale to gain a clear land lay is available in an attacker’s spawn. And, like any shooter, possessing a solid ground advantage over your opponent is always a plus. Jett players can work the vantage point to their advantage, ensuring that no enemies creep out of the way and covering allies as they run in.
Jett can slowly float herself to safety because most agents would take fall damage from diving down to the low ground.
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While playing with the Operator might not be the best decision on this map, especially after the heavy nerfs in Patch 1.09, Jett is the best agent for the job. More experienced snipers can easily exploit her mobility to grab the high ground and take off-targets.
Sova can quickly gather information from far within enemy positions with his Owl Drone & Recon bolt. Sova is twice as effective in Icebox because he can lineup his Recon Bolt or Shock Bolts and hit them anywhere. Sova’s Ultimate is also a versatile tool for post-plant scenarios.

That is particularly important on a map with such an immense verticality, places where you can run, and angles you can choose, such as Icebox. Clearing them one by one is nearly impossible, and that’s why his abilities are so crucial on this map.
His drone is a massive value, cleaning all A site’s corners and even B Long’s. You can aid the rest of your squad even while in another place because of your correct Recon Bolt placement knowledge. His Ultimate is an excellent tool for retakes when you think about how the spike sites are created.
The meta on Icebox was all over the place back in the first days of Valorant, just a short days before Viper was released. She was seen as a throw pick by a massive portion of the community, but she has gone far since then. She was buffed many times as time moved on, and the map evolved, so here we are.
It seems amusing for her to have gone full circle, but now even thinking about a team comp without Viper on Icebox is grief. She has been a must-pick agent at the professional level of play in the Valorant act iii, in addition to being a staple pick in every game mode. Viper’s Toxic Screen is one of the essential things that made Icebox more impactful than other controllers. The Toxic Screen can effectively divide bombsites and other critical areas of the map into two parts when done correctly. This ability makes it simpler for pushes to be executed and makes teams hesitate before moving to one site.
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After his most recent patch 1.07 buffs, which granted him an extra flash and decreased the ability’s wind-up time, Breach became a staple in many team comps. His ultimate detonates faster and travels faster, making it more challenging to defend.

The Breach is the most effective agent for guarding Icebox’s B site due to his excellent ability to hold positions. For attackers to go to B, they must cross through a tight choke point with two small lanes. It gives it simple for Breach to hit opponents while staggering or blinding them and snag kills on overzealous targets. A breach can also stall with his ultimate until allies reach the rotation if the enemy team chooses to push it fully.
Killjoy has transformed into a map-by-map decision, with some locations being efficient and others ineffective. On the other hand, Icebox is undoubtedly a map where the sentinel can shine. Icebox is a map that you must use quickly to advance. Enemies can hit you on the flanks and knock you out from behind if you don’t. Killjoy is the protagonist of this.

While the agent isn’t usually potent at targeting, leaving a turret behind on the right side of your spawn ramp effectively kept the flank from working. It is quite an annoying tattletale because the turret can alert Killjoy of a flanker arriving from A, B, or mid.
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Reyna is also an excellent Icebox agent. Reyna can do all of the main tasks of a Duelist, just like Raze.
Her abilities, such as Leer and Dismiss, allow her to gain entry kills and run away from trouble whenever required. Her Devour ability, as well, will enable her to be powerful.
Raze’s Blast Packs provide her with the ideal vantage points, complete with rafters, ziplines, and crates. Even though Baiana brings little utility to help the team, it quickly becomes one of the most popular duelists. She can, however, masterfully seize advantage of Icebox’s verticality. A swift Blast Pack can be applied to solve any problem if walls or mollies are barring her way.

However, she can be hyper-aggressive, which is most important about her Blast Packs. Before the enemy team notices, A Raze might sneak out and hop onto a B Green crate or onto A Pipes, providing her to score a free kill on an unsuspecting victim. However, this can be hazardous to your safety, so you may wish only to pull it out when the enemy team is on an eco round.
Protecting you from angles, pouring enemies into chokepoints that are then used by Operator users, and countering some of these agents’ mobility. Acquiring and keeping control over various areas is the key to winning on a map with as much variability as Icebox, and that’s why we felt that these agents give any Valorant player a fighting chance on it.
Many players still carry a mystery circling Icebox. While Tier-1 Valorant teams have thoroughly examined the map many times over, regular players are still learning about the map’s hidden features. Some still consider the Icebox in the community the lowest map Riot has dropped thus far. Because Valorant does not feature a map selection option, there remains no way you can evade the map regardless of their opinion. As a result, the only option remains to train and adapt like the pros.
I really liked your thoughts dude. You have a great experience. I mostly use raze and omen sometimes. Cause icebox is full of boxes so it’s easy to pop up and get the advantage of boxes by using raze, omen, jett. I’ve read all the articles and these are soooo good bro. Please write a blog about neon.
My ign- ChatroLeauge#Nouka
very informative article . keep it up
thank you so much!!
Really amazing post, helped me a lot
Just great and wonderful post
Thanks!! Really appreciate that <3